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EssayDone Turnitin Detector Pricing & Plans

Select a plan today and protect your academic integrity

  • Turnitin Detector Basic Plan
    $9.00 /month
    Turnitin Detector:
    10 times
    AI Chat:
    300 /day
    • 100% sourced from official Turnitin.
    • Plagiarism and AI report
    • Your paper will not be stored in Turnitin's database
    • You can perform 10 checks (each time you will receive a Plagiarism and AI report)
  • party popper emoji
    Turnitin Detector Ultra Plan
    $35.00 /month
    Turnitin Detector:
    40 times
    AI Chat:
    300 /day
    • 100% sourced from official Turnitin.
    • Plagiarism and AI report
    • Your paper will not be stored in Turnitin's database
    • You can perform 40 checks (each time you will receive a Plagiarism and AI report)
  • Turnitin Detector Pro Plan
    $18.00 /month
    Turnitin Detector:
    20 times
    AI Chat:
    300 /day
    • 100% sourced from official Turnitin.
    • Plagiarism and AI report
    • Your paper will not be stored in Turnitin's database
    • You can perform 20 checks (each time you will receive a Plagiarism and AI report)

goodRecommended Plangood

  • HumanizerWriterGPT
    • Get official Turnitin AI and similarity report: 5+

    • Essay Generator: 10,000+ words

    • AI Humanizer: 10,000+ words

    • AI chat: 300 messages/day

    from $19.00/month

  • HumanizerHumanizer
    • Get official Turnitin AI and similarity report: 5+

    • 20,000 words / month

    • 10,000 words / input

    • AI chat: 300 messages/day

    from $12.00/month


Why Our Customers Love EssayDone

Aiden M

I didn’t expect it to be this good! The plagiarism check is spot on, and the fact that my paper isn’t indexed is a huge relief. It’s perfect for students who want a true Turnitin-like experience without the commitment.

Sofia L

The report looks exactly like Turnitin’s, but without indexing my work. The AI ratio breakdown is fantastic for catching any accidental overlaps, and I feel so much more confident submitting my essays now.

Mina A

I use EssayDone Turnitin Detector for every assignment now. The reports look just like Turnitin, but there’s no indexing, so I don’t worry about reusing my work later. The AI content ratio is also great for understanding how original my writing is!

Omar K

Amazing tool! The report quality is the same as Turnitin, but without the risk of indexing. I especially appreciate the AI detection ratio—it’s been really helpful in making my writing more authentic.

Lily C

I love how easy it is to use. The EssayDone Turnitin Detector feels exactly like Turnitin but doesn’t save my paper. As someone who constantly revises and reuses ideas, that’s a huge bonus!

Jonas W

Perfect for a pre-submission check! It’s a relief knowing my work isn’t stored anywhere, yet I get a report that looks just like Turnitin’s. The AI ratio has been especially helpful for double-checking


Why doesn't our Turnitin detector index any papers no matter how many times you check?

Our Turnitin account is set not to store submitted papers, so no matter how often you use it, your paper won't be added to Turnitin's database.

What does *% mean in the AI report?

In Turnitin AI reports after July 16, 2024, if the AI proportion is estimated to be between 1%-19%, it will display as *% instead of a specific value. If the AI proportion is 0% or over 20%, the precise value will still be shown. Turnitin chooses not to display specific values between 1%-19% due to potential inaccuracies in determining AI content. If your school doesn't require the AI proportion to be 0%, then usually, a paper with an AI result of *% is acceptable.

Are the AI measurements from EssayDone consistent with those from the school's Turnitin?

As long as the content submitted to EssayDone matches what you submitted to your school, the AI detection results should be consistent. Be aware that if you modify your paper after checking the AI proportion in EssayDone—even slight changes—there may be discrepancies between the school's Turnitin results and ours. If you've altered the format, sentences, grammar, or wording, it's highly advisable to recheck in EssayDone to avoid differences in AI measurement with the school.

Is the content of the reference list included in the duplication rate?

Our Turnitin Detector has been set to exclude the content of reference lists, so it won't be included in your duplication rate. Most schools and journals follow this practice.

Why is Turnitin's AI detection score 0 or very low, but GPTZero's is high?

Turnitin has stringent AI detection standards and is careful not to mistakenly mark content as AI-generated, so students' work isn't unfairly judged. Schools aim to discourage the complete use of tools like ChatGPT for writing assignments rather than deeming students unfit.

Why did my AI report retrieval fail?

Your AI report may not have been prepared if it was written in a non-English language or exceeded the word count limit (320 to 29,999 words). If these are not the issues, please resubmit your document.

My paper has been submitted through the school's Turnitin account. Can I still use the EssayDone Turnitin Detector for checking?

If your paper has already been submitted to your school's Turnitin, using EssayDone for another check is likely to result in a high plagiarism score because your paper is probably already in Turnitin's database. However, this doesn't affect AI proportion detection.

Why am I flagged as AI even though I haven’t used tools like ChatGPT?

There is no tool currently that can accurately determine AI proportion 100% of the time, including Turnitin. Tools like Quillbot or Grammarly might also lead to parts being marked as AI-generated. If you haven't used any tools, modifying overly formal or complex terms can eliminate AI labeling of the entire passage.

Why could areas originally not marked as AI become marked as AI after I make changes elsewhere and check again?

AI detection is different from plagiarism checking, which identifies text from existing papers in the database matching yours, resulting in marked duplicate sentences and paragraphs. However, AI detection evaluates the entire paper's current context, grammar, content, and wording. This means sentences not initially flagged might be affected if you modify previously marked sentences, causing other sections to be marked as AI. Consequently, someone might initially have a 0% AI detection rate, but after minor revisions before submission, it may increase to around 30%. AI only evaluates the complete document at its current state, and any changes to words or sentences can significantly alter the results. For instance, Sam wrote a 1,000-word English paper divided into five parts: A, B, C, D, and E. Initially, AI detection marked part C. After revising part C, a re-check revealed either the flag on part C was gone or unchanged, but now part A, initially unmarked, is flagged as AI. Such changes are possible because AI detection assesses the complete paper in its current form, not just previously flagged sections. A section labeled AI once isn't forever bound to AI status, nor is a section unmarked initially free from ever being flagged.

What languages does the EssayDone Turnitin Detector support?

Turnitin's Similarity Report supports more than 30 languages, including English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Japanese, etc. However, Turnitin's AI detection supports only English and Spanish.

What if I didn't download the report within 24 hours of generation?

To secure user information, we automatically delete original documents and report data after 24 hours. If you exceed this time, we cannot recover your report. However, a copy of the report is sent to your EssayDone registered email, where you can download it.

Will my AI ratio remain 0% in Turnitin forever?

Turnitin's AI detection system is updated every few months. While your current result may be 0%, upgrades might affect previous results. However, this should not impact your immediate assignment submissions.