Best Argumentative Essay Topics: 33 Categories & 600+ Ideas 

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Write by  Emily Watson
2025-01-17 18:50:11 7 min read

An argumentative essay is one in which you take a position on a controversial issue, support your position with reasons and evidence, and try to get others to accept your view.

But, picking the right topic can feel like the hardest part. 

To get you under way, we offer more than 600 ideas in over 30 categories of engaging argumentative essay topics. So take the plunge and find the topic that’s just right for you!

1. Economic

  1. Should the minimum wage be increased to match inflation rates?

  2. Is universal basic income a viable solution for poverty alleviation?

  3. Does free trade benefit or harm developing economies?

  4. Should countries implement wealth taxes to reduce income inequality?

  5. Is globalization contributing to the economic instability of local businesses?

  6. Should the government provide financial support for small businesses during recessions?

  7. Is cryptocurrency a legitimate and secure investment?

  8. Does outsourcing jobs to other countries harm the domestic economy?

  9. Is taxing carbon emissions an effective way to reduce global warming?

  10. Should student loan forgiveness be implemented on a larger scale?

  11. Is economic growth always beneficial for the environment?

  12. Should governments provide financial incentives for renewable energy adoption?

  13. Are tariffs an effective tool for protecting domestic industries?

  14. Should the gig economy workers be entitled to full benefits?

  15. Can automation and artificial intelligence replace human workers without causing economic harm?

  16. Should the government regulate housing markets to prevent price inflation?

  17. Does income inequality cause social unrest?

  18. Are large corporations to blame for economic disparity?

  19. Should governments subsidize electric vehicle production to accelerate adoption?

  20. Should the federal government increase investments in green technology?

2. Ethics

  1.   Is euthanasia morally acceptable under certain circumstances?

  2. Should animal testing be banned entirely?

  3. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in the military?

  4. Should companies be required to disclose their environmental impact?

  5. Can surveillance for national security ever be justified?

  6. Is cloning humans ethically acceptable?

  7. Should individuals have the right to own and use firearms for self-defense?

  8. Should the death penalty be abolished worldwide?

  9. Is it ethical to use genetic modification for enhancing human traits?

  10. Should parents be able to choose the sex of their child before birth?

  11. Is it ethical to exploit child labor for the benefit of global industries?

  12. Can a person's actions be considered ethical if they are unaware of the harm they are causing?

  13. Should corporations be allowed to patent genetic materials or human genes?

  14. Is it ethical to profit from the incarceration of individuals?

  15. Is it ethical to track someone's online behavior for targeted advertising?

  16. Should there be limits on the amount of personal data companies can collect?

  17. Is it ethical to use animals in entertainment, such as circuses?

  18. Should the government intervene in personal health choices for the greater good?

  19. Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profit over environmental protection?

  20. Should the practice of surrogate motherhood be outlawed? 

3. Religion

  1. Should religion be taught in public schools?

  2. Is religious freedom always compatible with public safety?

  3. Should governments fund religious organizations?

  4. Does religion have a negative impact on women’s rights?

  5. Should religious symbols be allowed in public spaces?

  6. Can science and religion coexist peacefully in society?

  7. Should religious exemptions be granted for vaccinations?

  8. Does organized religion promote social inequality?

  9. Should there be a separation of church and state in all areas of government?

  10. Is religion the root cause of most wars and conflicts in history?

  11. Should religious leaders be held accountable for crimes committed by their followers?

  12. Is it ethical to impose religious beliefs on others?

  13. Should individuals be forced to participate in religious ceremonies for social or legal purposes?

  14. Is the concept of "original sin" harmful to children’s mental health?

  15. Should the government regulate religious practices that harm the environment?

  16. Is religion necessary for ethical decision-making?

  17. Should religious institutions be taxed like other businesses?

  18. Can atheism and religious beliefs coexist in a pluralistic society?

  19. Is it moral to prohibit religious freedom in the name of national security?

  20. Should public policies be shaped by religious doctrines?

4. Social Media, Phones & Devices, The Internet

  1. Is social media harmful to teenagers' mental health?

  2. Should social media platforms be held responsible for fake news?

  3. Do smartphones make us more productive or distract us?

  4. Should the government regulate social media to prevent hate speech?

  5. Is it ethical for companies to collect data from users on social media?

  6. Does social media cause people to feel more isolated or connected?

  7. Should social media companies be required to delete harmful content?

  8. Should the use of phones be banned in schools?

  9. Is online gaming harmful to a student’s academic performance?

  10. Should people be allowed to express their opinions anonymously on the internet?

  11. Does the internet contribute to the spread of misinformation?

  12. Should companies be banned from using personal data for targeted advertising?

  13. Should there be a limit on the amount of time children spend on smartphones?

  14. Is social media addiction a real issue that needs to be addressed?

  15. Should schools provide students with personal devices for learning?

  16. Do phones make people more socially disconnected in real life?

  17. Should parents monitor their children's online activity?

  18. Does the internet foster unhealthy body image perceptions?

  19. Should there be more restrictions on online privacy?

  20. Is social media a positive force for social change?

5. Science

  1. Should stem cell research be publicly funded?

  2. Is climate change caused by human activity?

  3. Should genetic engineering be used to cure diseases?

  4. Is it ethical to genetically modify humans?

  5. Should animal testing be used for scientific research?

  6. Does space exploration provide enough benefits to justify the cost?

  7. Is the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria a global health crisis?

  8. Should humans attempt to colonize other planets?

  9. Are vaccines safe and effective enough to be mandatory?

  10. Is science more reliable than religion in explaining the natural world?

  11. Should the government fund scientific research that supports climate change action?

  12. Should the use of CRISPR technology be tightly regulated?

  13. Is the scientific method the only valid approach to gaining knowledge?

  14. Does technology help or hinder scientific discovery?

  15. Should genetic data be used in criminal investigations?

  16. Can artificial intelligence lead to dangerous consequences for humanity?

  17. Should scientists be allowed to alter the human genome?

  18. Is geoengineering a solution to climate change?

  19. Should the use of chemicals in food production be limited?

  20. Should there be more funding for renewable energy research?

6. Technology

  1. Should artificial intelligence be integrated into the workforce?

  2. Are self-driving cars safe enough for widespread use?

  3. Is digital surveillance an invasion of privacy?

  4. Should tech companies be responsible for cybersecurity breaches?

  5. Should the development of AI be regulated by the government?

  6. Is technology making us more or less connected as a society?

  7. Can social media companies effectively combat online hate speech?

  8. Should there be limits to data collection by tech companies?

  9. Are online platforms better at providing information than traditional media?

  10. Should robots be allowed to replace human workers in factories?

  11. Is the rise of automation a threat to job security?

  12. Should internet access be considered a fundamental human right?

  13. Should tech companies be required to disclose all algorithms to the public?

  14. Are tech companies’ ethical responsibilities greater than their profits?

  15. Should the government impose a tax on tech giants?

  16. Is virtual reality more beneficial or detrimental to society?

  17. Should children have access to the latest technological devices?

  18. Is technology reducing our ability to think critically?

  19. Should facial recognition technology be banned in public spaces?

  20. Should video game companies be held accountable for violent content?

7. Health

  1. Should the government regulate the sugar content in food to combat obesity?

  2. Is mental health care adequately funded in most countries?

  3. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 25?

  4. Should healthcare be a universal right for all citizens?

  5. Is the increasing use of antibiotics causing more harm than good?

  6. Should parents be required to vaccinate their children for public health safety?

  7. Is organ donation morally acceptable even if it involves financial compensation?

  8. Should healthcare professionals be forced to report patients' mental health issues to authorities?

  9. Is medical marijuana an effective treatment for chronic pain?

  10. Should the government regulate fast food advertising to children?

  11. Should mental health services be integrated into the school system?

  12. Is e-cigarette use a safer alternative to smoking?

  13. Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in professional sports?

  14. Should the government fund mental health programs in schools to prevent teenage suicides?

  15. Is the high cost of prescription drugs a public health crisis?

  16. Should euthanasia be legalized for terminally ill patients?

  17. Should hospitals be allowed to deny care to patients who cannot pay?

  18. Should there be a global ban on tobacco products?

  19. Should genetically modified foods be banned due to health concerns?

  20. Should the minimum age for smoking be raised globally?

8. Government

  1. Should voting be mandatory for all eligible citizens?

  2. Should the government have the right to regulate social media content?

  3. Is it necessary to reduce government surveillance to protect individual freedoms?

  4. Should the government provide free public transportation to reduce traffic congestion?

  5. Should the government impose a tax on sugary drinks?

  6. Should there be a universal basic income funded by the government?

  7. Is the government doing enough to combat climate change?

  8. Should the government intervene in personal lifestyle choices for the greater good?

  9. Should the government invest more in space exploration?

  10. Should the government regulate the use of drones in everyday life?

  11. Should the death penalty be abolished in all countries?

  12. Is the government’s role in protecting privacy overstepping its bounds?

  13. Should the government be responsible for funding private healthcare for low-income individuals?

  14. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

  15. Should governments increase the regulation of political donations to reduce corruption?

  16. Should the government take more steps to address income inequality?

  17. Should public funds be used to support the arts and culture?

  18. Should the government have more power to intervene in corporate decision-making?

  19. Should the government subsidize renewable energy sources more aggressively?

  20. Is the current political system in democratic countries working effectively?

9. Education

  1.  Should school uniforms be mandatory in all public schools?

  2. Should schools focus more on STEM subjects than on the arts?

  3. Should schools implement year-round education to improve student performance?

  4. Should homework be banned in elementary schools?

  5. Should standardized testing be eliminated in favor of more personalized assessments?

  6. Should higher education be free for all students?

  7. Should students be required to learn a second language by the time they graduate high school?

  8. Should schools implement a later start time to improve student health and performance?

  9. Should teachers be paid more to improve the quality of education?

  10. Should schools offer financial literacy courses to high school students?

  11. Should private schools be allowed to operate without government oversight?

  12. Should physical education be a mandatory part of every student’s curriculum?

  13. Should the internet be used more as a teaching tool in classrooms?

  14. Should college admissions consider extracurricular activities more than test scores?

  15. Should sex education be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?

  16. Should charter schools be given more funding than public schools?

  17. Should there be a universal grading system in all schools?

  18. Should school systems place more focus on developing life skills rather than academic knowledge?

  19. Should online learning be the future of education?

  20. Should college athletes be compensated for playing sports?

10. Environmental

  1. Should single-use plastic products be banned worldwide?

  2. Is climate change the biggest global threat we face today?

  3. Should countries invest more in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power?

  4. Should fracking be banned due to environmental risks?

  5. Should deforestation be criminalized to protect biodiversity?

  6. Is it ethical to hunt endangered species for sport or research?

  7. Should the government impose a carbon tax on businesses to curb emissions?

  8. Should electric cars become the only type of car allowed to be sold in the future?

  9. Should the use of pesticides in farming be banned globally?

  10. Should countries be forced to meet international environmental agreements on climate change?

  11. Should individuals be held accountable for their environmental impact, such as waste and carbon footprint?

  12. Should governments invest more in green technology to reduce pollution?

  13. Should animals be used in testing for environmental products and chemicals?

  14. Is the destruction of natural habitats justifiable for economic growth?

  15. Should fast fashion brands be required to disclose their environmental impact?

  16. Should national parks be off-limits to human development to protect wildlife?

  17. Should marine conservation be prioritized over fishing industries?

  18. Should businesses be required to reduce their water usage to protect global resources?

  19. Should organic farming be more heavily subsidized than traditional farming methods?

  20. Should environmental education be mandatory in schools worldwide?

11. Literature

  1. Should classic literature be rewritten to remove outdated language and ideas?

  2. Is banning controversial books in schools an infringement on freedom of speech?

  3. Should graphic novels be considered legitimate literature in academic settings?

  4. Should every high school student be required to read Shakespeare’s works?

  5. Should authors be allowed to change or edit their work post-publication?

  6. Is it important for modern literature to reflect current social issues?

  7. Should literature written by non-Western authors be more included in global curriculums?

  8. Is the rise of e-books a threat to traditional print literature?

  9. Should the government fund the preservation of classic literary works?

  10. Should literature be considered more important than other forms of art?

  11. Is it essential to teach literature through a historical context to better understand the author’s perspective?

  12. Should fan fiction be recognized as a form of literature?

  13. Should children’s books be more inclusive of different cultures and backgrounds?

  14. Should books be adapted into movies, or does this ruin the original work?

  15. Should there be a limit on the number of books an author can publish in a year to ensure quality over quantity?

  16. Should literary awards be awarded solely based on the quality of writing rather than popularity?

  17. Should censorship in literature be strictly enforced to avoid the spread of harmful ideas?

  18. Should there be more emphasis on poetry in high school literature curriculums?

  19. Should books with harmful stereotypes be banned from school libraries?

  20. Should literary criticism be required for every published book?

12. Relationship

  1. Is long-distance relationships effective in today’s digital world?

  2. Should romantic relationships be prioritized over friendships in a person’s life?

  3. Should open relationships be accepted as a valid form of romance?

  4. Should couples be encouraged to live together before getting married?

  5. Is it possible to maintain a healthy relationship while living in a highly stressful environment?

  6. Should people date only within their own cultural or ethnic group?

  7. Is it ethical to date someone you work with?

  8. Should there be a minimum age requirement for marriage?

  9. Should people disclose all their personal information to their partner before marriage?

  10. Should arranged marriages be considered an acceptable form of relationship building?

  11. Should couples therapy be mandatory for long-term relationships?

  12. Should social media influence the way we view relationships?

  13. Should divorce be made more difficult to encourage commitment in marriages?

  14. Should relationships based on shared interests have a higher success rate than those built on love alone?

  15. Should couples disclose their relationship status on social media?

  16. Is jealousy a healthy component of a relationship?

  17. Should people be allowed to have platonic relationships with the opposite gender without suspicion?

  18. Should couples have a right to privacy in the digital age?

  19. Should relationship counseling be available for young couples?

  20. Should relationship advice be considered a field of study?

13. Friendship

  1. Can friendships survive without constant communication?

  2. Should friends always tell each other the truth, even if it might hurt feelings?

  3. Is it better to have a few close friends or a large group of acquaintances?

  4. Should friends be obligated to support each other during personal crises?

  5. Should friends be expected to share their deepest secrets with one another?

  6. Should you remain friends with people who have opposing political views?

  7. Can an online friendship be as valuable as one built in person?

  8. Should social media platforms be used to maintain long-distance friendships?

  9. Is it possible to have a friendship without competition or jealousy?

  10. Should friends help each other financially during times of need?

  11. Should it be expected for friends to support each other’s romantic relationships?

  12. Is it okay to end a friendship that has become toxic?

  13. Should friends be involved in each other’s personal lives, or is it better to keep boundaries?

  14. Can a friendship survive without physical meetings?

  15. Should friends be honest even when it risks hurting feelings?

  16. Should you stop being friends with someone if they consistently make bad life choices?

  17. Is it necessary for friends to have similar values and interests?

  18. Should friends share everything about their lives, or is some privacy necessary?

  19. Can friendships be rekindled after years of no contact?

  20. Should friends be expected to help each other in their personal and professional growth?

14. Business

  1. Should businesses be required to provide paid parental leave for all employees?

  2. Should large corporations be taxed more heavily to support public services?

  3. Should small businesses receive government subsidies over larger corporations?

  4. Is it ethical for companies to outsource jobs to other countries for cheaper labor?

  5. Should businesses be allowed to pay employees in stock options instead of a salary?

  6. Should companies be required to disclose their environmental impact on all products?

  7. Should businesses be allowed to patent natural resources like genes and plant species?

  8. Should employers have the right to track employees' activities online for productivity purposes?

  9. Should businesses adopt a four-day workweek to improve employee work-life balance?

  10. Is the gig economy beneficial for workers or does it exploit them?

  11. Should companies implement a universal minimum wage?

  12. Should companies be held responsible for the mental health of their employees?

  13. Should businesses be forced to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

  14. Should all businesses be required to offer employee wellness programs?

  15. Should businesses use artificial intelligence to make hiring decisions?

  16. Should companies be required to give paid sick days to all employees?

  17. Should businesses be taxed based on the carbon emissions produced by their operations?

  18. Should companies be mandated to disclose their CEO's salary in relation to the average employee salary?

  19. Should businesses offer more flexible working hours to attract diverse talent?

  20. Should businesses be required to give equal opportunities for promotions regardless of gender or race?

15. School

  1. Should schools eliminate traditional grading systems and move to competency-based evaluations?

  2. Should private schools receive government funding?

  3. Should school days be longer to make up for lost instructional time?

  4. Should physical education be a mandatory part of every school’s curriculum?

  5. Should students be required to learn about financial literacy in high school?

  6. Should schools implement more practical life skills courses?

  7. Should the use of smartphones be banned in schools?

  8. Should schools have mandatory mental health education?

  9. Should all schoolteachers be required to have a master's degree in education?

  10. Should the government fund free school lunches for all students?

  11. Should school sports be more widely funded and promoted?

  12. Should parents be allowed to choose which school their children attend through school choice programs?

  13. Should schools make sex education compulsory for all students?

  14. Should students be allowed to choose their own subjects from the start of high school?

  15. Should schools focus more on technology and coding classes?

  16. Should every school have a uniform dress code?

  17. Should schools ban junk food from their cafeterias?

  18. Should students’ mental health be prioritized over academic performance in schools?

  19. Should after-school programs be extended to help working parents?

  20. Should students be able to grade their teachers?

16. Personal Finance

  1. Should students graduate with financial literacy as part of their education?

  2. Should the government regulate personal loans and credit card interest rates more strictly?

  3. Is it worth taking out student loans for an expensive college education?

  4. Should people be required to save for retirement from a younger age?

  5. Should banks be responsible for providing financial education to their customers?

  6. Should it be mandatory for individuals to have health insurance?

  7. Should there be a cap on the amount of money someone can inherit to reduce wealth inequality?

  8. Should people avoid credit cards to prevent accumulating debt?

  9. Is it important to invest in the stock market, even if you don’t fully understand it?

  10. Should the government provide basic financial support for low-income families?

  11. Should employers be required to provide financial planning services for their employees?

  12. Should there be a universal basic income to help alleviate poverty?

  13. Should financial institutions be responsible for supporting environmental sustainability?

  14. Should individuals prioritize paying off debt over saving for retirement?

  15. Should people be required to make long-term financial planning a part of their yearly goals?

  16. Should there be regulations on payday loans to protect vulnerable borrowers?

  17. Should individuals invest more in real estate rather than other investment opportunities?

  18. Is it better to rent or buy a home in today’s economy?

  19. Should people be required to disclose their salary and financial worth to prevent wage inequality?

  20. Should wealthy individuals and corporations pay higher taxes to reduce income inequality?

17. Military and War

  1. Should mandatory military service be implemented in the United States?

  2. Should a country intervene in the conflicts of other nations under the guise of humanitarian aid?

  3. Should military spending be reduced to prioritize domestic issues?

  4. Should governments be allowed to draft citizens into the military during times of war?

  5. Should nuclear weapons be completely banned globally?

  6. Should veterans receive unlimited healthcare from the government?

  7. Should private military contractors be used in conflict zones?

  8. Should soldiers be allowed to refuse assignments based on personal or moral objections?

  9. Should military service members be paid more for their sacrifices?

  10. Should women be allowed to serve in all military combat roles?

  11. Should military forces prioritize technological advancements over traditional manpower?

  12. Should countries limit the number of nuclear weapons they possess?

  13. Should war crimes trials focus on military leaders rather than individual soldiers?

  14. Should there be more transparency in the decision-making process regarding military interventions?

  15. Should the government have the authority to use drones for military strikes?

  16. Should countries engage in more peace-building initiatives rather than military responses to conflicts?

  17. Should the military have more involvement in domestic law enforcement?

  18. Should there be a global effort to reduce military production and funding?

  19. Should countries abolish conscription and focus on professional volunteer armies?

  20. Should the military be involved in addressing environmental crises like climate change?

18. Human Rights

  1. Should governments provide more support to refugees fleeing war-torn countries?

  2. Should hate speech be protected under free speech laws?

  3. Should there be an international law to protect the rights of indigenous people?

  4. Should women’s rights be protected more strictly in conservative societies?

  5. Should people be allowed to legally refuse service based on personal beliefs?

  6. Should the death penalty be abolished globally?

  7. Should all nations guarantee free access to education for every child?

  8. Should governments impose stricter laws on workplace harassment?

  9. Should governments intervene in countries where human rights violations are occurring?

  10. Should companies be required to ensure ethical labor practices in countries with weak laws?

  11. Should the right to privacy be limited in the digital age for national security reasons?

  12. Should the right to free speech be balanced with the responsibility not to incite violence?

  13. Should animal rights activists be granted the same legal protections as human rights activists?

  14. Should countries have a right to enforce sanctions against others for human rights violations?

  15. Should there be an international standard for fair wages across all countries?

  16. Should citizens be able to challenge unjust laws through legal systems?

  17. Should child labor be completely eradicated across all industries worldwide?

  18. Should everyone, regardless of their status, have access to healthcare?

  19. Should governments ensure that workers' rights are protected even in the gig economy?

  20. Should the United Nations have more power to enforce human rights laws across all nations?

19. Gender and Race

  1. Should affirmative action be implemented in college admissions to promote racial diversity?

  2. Should gender quotas be introduced in corporate leadership positions?

  3. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in gender-specific sports?

  4. Should schools implement mandatory courses on gender and race equality?

  5. Should the gender pay gap be a top priority for government intervention?

  6. Should individuals be allowed to choose their gender identity legally, without needing surgery or hormone therapy?

  7. Should people be allowed to use racial slurs if it’s in a cultural context?

  8. Should the media portray more diverse gender identities and racial groups in their programming?

  9. Should race-based voting systems (e.g., separate ballots for different racial groups) be used to ensure equal representation?

  10. Should there be stricter punishments for racial discrimination in the workplace?

  11. Should there be a focus on teaching multiculturalism and diversity from an early age?

  12. Should there be policies in place to ensure gender equality in political representation?

  13. Should white people be required to attend diversity and sensitivity training?

  14. Should people of all racial backgrounds be equally represented in textbooks and educational materials?

  15. Should women be required to serve in the military?

  16. Should all public institutions offer gender-neutral bathrooms?

  17. Should there be more affirmative action in hiring to increase racial diversity in professional environments?

  18. Should there be a global ban on child marriage in all cultures and religions?

  19. Should there be more emphasis on intersectionality in gender and race studies?

  20. Should race and gender be considered in the hiring process to ensure diversity?

20. Habits

  1. Should people be required to exercise daily for health benefits?

  2. Should smoking in public be banned completely?

  3. Should people be encouraged to limit their social media use for better mental health?

  4. Should individuals be taxed for unhealthy food choices to promote better eating habits?

  5. Should individuals be required to limit their screen time to reduce negative health effects?

  6. Should daily meditation or mindfulness practices be encouraged in schools?

  7. Should people be required to do regular volunteer work for social benefits?

  8. Should people track their spending habits to promote financial responsibility?

  9. Should bad habits be viewed as a result of environmental factors rather than individual choices?

  10. Should people be penalized for being late to work or meetings?

  11. Should individuals be encouraged to take naps during the day for productivity purposes?

  12. Should excessive caffeine consumption be regulated?

  13. Should self-care be prioritized over work in modern society?

  14. Should unhealthy behaviors be taxed, like sugary drinks and fast food?

  15. Should people be encouraged to engage in a daily gratitude practice for better mental health?

  16. Should good sleep hygiene be emphasized in schools to improve student performance?

  17. Should a person’s social habits be taken into account for potential employers?

  18. Should habits formed in childhood be used to predict future behavior?

  19. Should people be encouraged to give up their smartphone for 24 hours a week?

  20. Should we teach children how to develop healthy habits before focusing on academics?

21. Arts and Entertainment

  1. Should celebrities be held accountable for their actions in their personal lives?

  2. Should government funding be used to support the arts?

  3. Should violent video games be banned due to their impact on children?

  4. Should reality TV be considered harmful to society’s perception of reality?

  5. Should the art world focus on promoting new artists rather than established ones?

  6. Should social media influencers be treated as legitimate sources of information?

  7. Should films and TV shows be required to include a diverse range of characters?

  8. Should musicians be allowed to use offensive language in their lyrics without facing backlash?

  9. Should the arts be included as a mandatory subject in school curriculums?

  10. Should professional athletes be involved in political activism?

  11. Should video games be considered a form of art?

  12. Should streaming services pay royalties based on how often a song or movie is played?

  13. Should controversial art, like that which depicts violence or nudity, be censored?

  14. Should art schools emphasize practical skills over theoretical knowledge?

  15. Should fashion designers be responsible for promoting body positivity?

  16. Should artists be allowed to copyright their digital art in the age of online sharing?

  17. Should the entertainment industry focus more on quality rather than profit-driven content?

  18. Should artists be paid for their works even if they are shared illegally online?

  19. Should artists receive more financial support from the government in times of economic crisis?

  20. Should the government impose stricter regulations on the content produced by the entertainment industry?

22. Transportation

  1. Should cities invest more in public transportation instead of expanding road infrastructure?

  2. Should electric vehicles be made mandatory in the next 20 years?

  3. Should countries provide free public transportation to reduce traffic and pollution?

  4. Should self-driving cars be allowed on public roads?

  5. Should bicycles be given equal rights to the road as cars?

  6. Should high-speed trains be prioritized over air travel for intercity travel?

  7. Should gas-powered vehicles be phased out completely to fight climate change?

  8. Should there be stricter regulations on ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft?

  9. Should governments subsidize the cost of electric cars to promote sustainability?

  10. Should driving tests be made more difficult to improve road safety?

  11. Should autonomous vehicles be equipped with mandatory safety features, like emergency brakes?

  12. Should city planners prioritize pedestrian-friendly streets over vehicles?

  13. Should transportation be free for students to encourage environmental consciousness?

  14. Should we have more carpool lanes to reduce traffic congestion?

  15. Should public transport be available in rural areas to provide better accessibility?

  16. Should the government invest in bike-sharing programs to encourage sustainable transportation?

  17. Should public transportation systems be free to encourage less reliance on private vehicles?

  18. Should urban areas have more car-free zones to promote cleaner air?

  19. Should transportation systems be more integrated to allow easy transfers between different modes of travel?

  20. Should travel by air be taxed to reduce its environmental impact?

23. Sports

  1. Should athletes be paid based on their performance rather than brand endorsements?

  2. Should performance-enhancing drugs be legalized in professional sports?

  3. Should youth sports be made more inclusive for children of all abilities?

  4. Should college athletes be paid for their performance in collegiate sports?

  5. Should eSports be considered a legitimate form of sport?

  6. Should violent sports, such as boxing and MMA, be banned for safety reasons?

  7. Should professional athletes be role models for young people, and should they be held accountable for their actions?

  8. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in gender-segregated sports?

  9. Should professional sports leagues do more to combat racism and inequality?

  10. Should the minimum wage for professional athletes be regulated?

  11. Should sports betting be legalized across all states?

  12. Should physical education be made mandatory in schools to promote healthy lifestyles?

  13. Should sports teams be allowed to relocate cities if it benefits the team’s financial situation?

  14. Should there be more funding for women’s sports to increase viewership and participation?

  15. Should professional sports teams be responsible for addressing player health post-retirement?

  16. Should schools eliminate competitive sports to reduce stress and pressure on students?

  17. Should stadiums and arenas be required to use more sustainable and environmentally friendly materials?

  18. Should amateur athletes be allowed to earn money from sponsorships and endorsements?

  19. Should coaches be held accountable for the mental well-being of their players?

  20. Should sports franchises be required to share revenue with the local community?

24. Globalization

  1. Should globalization be embraced despite its negative effects on local cultures?

  2. Should countries impose tariffs on products made in developing nations to protect local industries?

  3. Should international companies be required to adhere to stricter labor standards in developing countries?

  4. Should national governments prioritize local businesses over global corporations?

  5. Should countries limit immigration to protect their domestic job markets?

  6. Should there be global regulations on carbon emissions to combat climate change?

  7. Should globalization of trade be curbed to protect national economies from foreign competition?

  8. Should globalization result in the loss of cultural identities in the long run?

  9. Should multinational corporations be required to contribute more to local communities where they operate?

  10. Should global companies be taxed more to fund social welfare programs?

  11. Should countries have a common global currency to ease international trade?

  12. Should the spread of Western culture through globalization be considered a form of cultural imperialism?

  13. Should online businesses be regulated internationally to prevent cybercrime?

  14. Should technology companies be held accountable for their impact on local communities globally?

  15. Should the effects of globalization on the environment be more heavily studied and regulated?

  16. Should the global workforce be regulated by international laws to ensure fair wages?

  17. Should there be more regulation on multinational corporations to prevent the exploitation of workers in poorer countries?

  18. Should governments prioritize reducing foreign dependency on essential goods?

  19. Should international tourism be limited to reduce the carbon footprint?

  20. Should global trade agreements focus more on social and environmental standards than economic benefits?

25. Consumer Behavior

  1. Should companies be allowed to use consumer data for targeted advertising?

  2. Should retailers be required to disclose the environmental impact of their products?

  3. Should consumers be held responsible for ethical shopping decisions?

  4. Should there be a tax on unhealthy products like sugary drinks and fast food?

  5. Should consumers be more accountable for the environmental impact of their purchases?

  6. Should consumerism be considered a major contributor to climate change?

  7. Should businesses be required to offer more sustainable alternatives to common consumer products?

  8. Should impulse buying be discouraged by retailers through stricter regulations?

  9. Should there be stricter laws regulating false advertising claims to protect consumers?

  10. Should companies be allowed to advertise directly to children?

  11. Should the government provide incentives for consumers to buy locally-produced goods?

  12. Should companies be banned from using psychological tactics to manipulate consumer behavior?

  13. Should the rise of subscription services negatively impact consumer choice and freedom?

  14. Should consumers take more responsibility for the ethical sourcing of products they buy?

  15. Should advertising targeting vulnerable populations (e.g., children, elderly) be more heavily regulated?

  16. Should businesses be required to show the long-term effects of their products on consumers?

  17. Should consumer product reviews be more strictly regulated to ensure accuracy?

  18. Should online shopping platforms be required to disclose the environmental impact of product shipping?

  19. Should the government intervene in the pricing strategies of essential goods to protect consumers?

  20. Should consumers prioritize sustainability over price when making purchases?

26. Journalism

  1. Should social media platforms be responsible for regulating fake news?

  2. Should journalists be required to disclose their political affiliations to avoid bias?

  3. Should news outlets prioritize sensationalism over factual reporting to attract viewers?

  4. Should the press be held legally responsible for spreading false information?

  5. Should journalism ethics be stricter when reporting on crime and violence?

  6. Should journalists be allowed to disclose personal opinions in their reporting?

  7. Should government officials be allowed to censor or influence the media in times of national crises?

  8. Should the use of anonymous sources in news stories be banned?

  9. Should journalists be permitted to use undercover methods to gather information for a story?

  10. Should online platforms be required to verify the identity of users to prevent misinformation?

  11. Should political coverage in the media be more balanced and fair to avoid influencing voters?

  12. Should journalists be trained in media literacy to better understand their impact on society?

  13. Should freedom of speech be restricted when it comes to spreading harmful content in the media?

  14. Should the media be held accountable for promoting celebrity culture at the expense of serious news?

  15. Should news organizations be allowed to accept sponsorships from corporations without disclosing the conflict of interest?

  16. Should print media be given more attention to preserve the traditional form of journalism?

  17. Should there be a universal code of ethics for journalists across the globe?

  18. Should the press have more freedom to investigate government actions without fear of legal repercussions?

  19. Should journalists be required to fact-check social media posts before reporting them as news?

  20. Should citizen journalism be considered a legitimate form of news reporting?

27. Travel

  1. Should travel be restricted to combat climate change?

  2. Should countries implement stricter visa requirements to protect their cultural heritage?

  3. Should eco-tourism be prioritized over traditional tourism to protect endangered environments?

  4. Should travelers be required to learn about the culture and language before visiting a new country?

  5. Should cities invest more in sustainable tourism to balance growth and environmental impact?

  6. Should travel companies be held responsible for the environmental impact of their tours?

  7. Should tourists be taxed to fund conservation efforts in popular travel destinations?

  8. Should there be stricter regulations on Airbnb to protect local housing markets?

  9. Should backpacking and low-budget tourism be discouraged for environmental reasons?

  10. Should international flights be banned on certain routes to reduce carbon emissions?

  11. Should governments fund more local tourism to boost domestic economies?

  12. Should travel bloggers be regulated to ensure they provide ethical and honest recommendations?

  13. Should travelers be allowed to visit cultural sites if they lack understanding or respect for the culture?

  14. Should solo travel be promoted for personal growth and safety?

  15. Should governments discourage mass tourism to reduce overcrowding and preserve landmarks?

  16. Should travel companies be required to disclose their impact on local ecosystems?

  17. Should international travel be made more affordable to encourage cultural exchange?

  18. Should travel agencies be obligated to support local businesses in the areas they operate?

  19. Should tourism be subject to stricter regulations to preserve historical monuments?

  20. Should travel insurance be mandatory for international travelers?

28. Innovation

  1. Should innovation be prioritized over regulation in industries like AI and biotechnology?

  2. Should governments invest more in research and development for renewable energy solutions?

  3. Should patents on life-saving medicines be revoked to make them more accessible to everyone?

  4. Should robots be allowed to replace human workers in certain industries for efficiency?

  5. Should the government fund more innovation in the field of public transportation?

  6. Should innovation in technology be subject to more ethical standards to prevent abuse?

  7. Should the innovation of consumer products be held to stricter environmental sustainability standards?

  8. Should companies be more transparent about the potential risks of their innovations?

  9. Should government regulations keep up with the pace of technological innovation to ensure public safety?

  10. Should patent laws be changed to encourage more innovation and competition?

  11. Should artificial intelligence be developed with more human-like capabilities for a better future?

  12. Should innovation in space exploration be prioritized to solve earthly problems?

  13. Should the internet be considered a basic human right to foster innovation?

  14. Should cities invest in more innovative infrastructure like smart cities to improve urban life?

  15. Should society be more cautious about the impact of rapid technological advancements?

  16. Should innovation in agriculture be prioritized to ensure food security for the growing population?

  17. Should innovation in healthcare be more focused on preventative measures rather than cures?

  18. Should we embrace innovation in education by incorporating technology in every aspect of learning?

  19. Should technology be used to enhance creativity in art, or should it remain a traditional practice?

  20. Should new technologies be tested for longer periods before being introduced to the public?

29. Architecture

  1. Should architects be required to incorporate sustainable building practices into all new designs?

  2. Should cities preserve historical buildings even if they are not economically viable to maintain?

  3. Should architects focus more on creating functional buildings rather than aesthetic ones?

  4. Should architecture be more regulated to ensure buildings are safe and accessible for all people?

  5. Should the government invest more in affordable housing solutions in urban areas?

  6. Should new developments in urban planning prioritize green spaces over commercial buildings?

  7. Should modern architecture be preserved, even when it contrasts with historical architecture?

  8. Should architects be allowed to design more unconventional and experimental buildings?

  9. Should city planning focus more on creating walkable environments over car-centric infrastructure?

  10. Should architects prioritize local materials and labor when designing buildings to boost local economies?

  11. Should the design of public buildings be more inclusive to accommodate people with disabilities?

  12. Should smart buildings be the future of urban development?

  13. Should architects take into account the environmental impact of construction before starting a project?

  14. Should cities promote urban agriculture through innovative architectural designs?

  15. Should high-rise buildings be the standard for future city designs to accommodate growing populations?

  16. Should architects focus more on creating multi-functional spaces in public areas?

  17. Should governments offer incentives for architects to design sustainable and energy-efficient buildings?

  18. Should the architectural community embrace more minimalist designs to address the growing demand for efficient spaces?

  19. Should architecture be more focused on building long-lasting structures rather than trendy, temporary designs?

  20. Should the preservation of cultural heritage sites take precedence over new construction projects?

30. Agriculture and Farming

  1. Should governments subsidize sustainable farming practices over traditional agriculture?

  2. Should genetically modified crops be banned to protect biodiversity?

  3. Should urban farming be promoted to reduce food transportation costs and environmental impact?

  4. Should factory farming be banned due to ethical concerns over animal treatment?

  5. Should organic farming be promoted as a primary food source over conventional methods?

  6. Should the use of pesticides in farming be restricted to protect wildlife and human health?

  7. Should agricultural practices be more regulated to prevent environmental degradation?

  8. Should farmers be incentivized to adopt water-saving technologies in regions affected by drought?

  9. Should the government invest in precision farming to improve crop yields sustainably?

  10. Should farming and food production be local to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation?

  11. Should there be a global effort to reduce food waste through more sustainable farming practices?

  12. Should agricultural schools focus more on teaching sustainable farming practices?

  13. Should traditional farming methods be preserved as part of cultural heritage?

  14. Should the use of drones in agriculture be expanded for crop management?

  15. Should sustainable farming practices be more accessible to small-scale farmers in developing countries?

  16. Should farmers be responsible for the environmental impact of their farming practices?

  17. Should the government provide more funding for agricultural research on climate-resilient crops?

  18. Should food production be shifted towards plant-based options to reduce environmental harm?

  19. Should genetically engineered food be labeled clearly for consumer awareness?

  20. Should large-scale agribusinesses be more transparent about the chemicals and processes used in food production?

31. Childhood and Growing Up

  1. Should children be required to learn a second language at a young age?

  2. Should schools teach life skills like budgeting and cooking instead of traditional subjects?

  3. Should children be allowed to use smartphones before the age of 12?

  4. Should children be exposed to competitive sports at an early age to develop teamwork skills?

  5. Should parents be held accountable for their children's actions?

  6. Should childhood obesity be treated as a national health crisis?

  7. Should children be allowed to make their own decisions about their education?

  8. Should schools be responsible for teaching emotional intelligence to students?

  9. Should children be allowed to watch violent video games and movies?

  10. Should parents limit the time children spend on social media platforms?

  11. Should there be a nationwide ban on sugary snacks and drinks in schools?

  12. Should children be encouraged to explore different career options from a young age?

  13. Should the use of corporal punishment be banned in schools?

  14. Should social media be banned for children under 13 to protect their mental health?

  15. Should children have a voice in family decision-making?

  16. Should mental health education be included in the school curriculum?

  17. Should homeschooling be allowed to replace traditional schooling for children?

  18. Should children's rights be expanded in legal matters, like custody decisions?

  19. Should children be encouraged to play outdoors more for better physical and mental development?

  20. Should child labor laws be more strictly enforced to ensure better working conditions for young workers?

32. Animals

  1. Should animal testing be banned in scientific research?

  2. Should zoos be outlawed for ethical reasons regarding animal captivity?

  3. Should endangered species conservation efforts focus on preserving natural habitats instead of breeding programs?

  4. Should humans be allowed to manipulate animals for scientific experiments?

  5. Should the use of animals in entertainment be banned, including circuses and aquariums?

  6. Should people be prohibited from owning exotic animals as pets?

  7. Should hunting for sport be illegal to protect animal populations?

  8. Should vegetarianism be promoted to help prevent the exploitation of animals in the food industry?

  9. Should animals have the same legal rights as humans in certain contexts?

  10. Should cloning animals for food production be allowed?

  11. Should scientists be responsible for ensuring that animal experiments have a clear benefit for society?

  12. Should animal rights activists face stronger penalties for trespassing in animal testing facilities?

  13. Should the pet industry be regulated to ensure the ethical treatment of animals?

  14. Should animal cruelty be punishable by more severe legal penalties worldwide?

  15. Should factory farming be banned due to its inhumane treatment of animals?

  16. Should hunting endangered species for trophies be illegal globally?

  17. Should the consumption of animal-based products be banned to protect animal welfare?

  18. Should animals be given the legal right to sue for mistreatment?

  19. Should humans be more responsible for preserving animal species and biodiversity?

  20. Should fur farming be outlawed for ethical and environmental reasons?

33. Time

  1. Should time travel be possible for scientific and historical purposes?

  2. Should time be standardized across the globe, eliminating time zones?

  3. Should we embrace the idea of time management as a tool for self-improvement?

  4. Should historical events be judged by today's moral standards?

  5. Should we view time as a finite resource and focus on sustainability in all aspects of life?

  6. Should time spent on social media be limited for mental health reasons?

  7. Should society adopt a four-day workweek to improve productivity and quality of life?

  8. Should time-tracking devices be used in workplaces to monitor employee productivity?

  9. Should we continue to observe daylight savings time despite debates about its effectiveness?

  10. Should humanity aim to conquer time, possibly through advancements in cryogenics or aging reversal?

  11. Should we focus on slowing down time by reducing the fast pace of modern life?

  12. Should educational systems prioritize the concept of time management for student success?

  13. Should time spent on screen be limited in childhood development for healthier growth?

  14. Should scientists focus more on studying time as a dimension and its connection to the universe?

  15. Should artificial intelligence be programmed to learn and adapt based on real-time data?

  16. Should there be a global effort to standardize how we measure and use time for work-life balance?

  17. Should we encourage mindfulness practices to slow down time perception and improve life quality?

  18. Should humanity focus on exploring the concept of time travel to unlock future potentials?

  19. Should the pursuit of "lost time" (e.g., time spent regretting the past) be seen as a barrier to personal growth?

  20. Should we reimagine time itself as a more fluid and flexible concept in the digital age?

33. Other

  1. Should public transportation be free for all citizens?

  2. Is social media making people more isolated?

  3. Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?

  4. Should all cities implement more green spaces to promote public well-being?

  5. Is virtual reality the future of entertainment?

  6. Should cities be redesigned to accommodate more pedestrians than cars?

  7. Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their image?

  8. Should there be a global effort to restore endangered species?

  9. Should we prioritize space exploration over solving Earth’s problems?

  10. Is it important for every nation to have a national language?

  11. Should the sale of weapons be more strictly regulated to prevent mass shootings?

  12. Should historical monuments associated with controversial figures be taken down?

  13. Should art created by artificial intelligence be recognized as legitimate art?

  14. Should people be allowed to anonymously post online reviews for businesses and products?

  15. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

  16. Should we abandon daylight saving time to improve public health?

  17. Should people be able to legally change their age on official documents?

  18. Should there be a global ban on zoos?

  19. Should celebrities be required to disclose their income taxes?

  20. Should every country have a universal passport system?

How to Take a Stand When You Get an Argumentative Essay Assignment

  1. Think Through the Topic: Always read the question carefully. You should be able to state clearly both sides of the argument before you decide where you fall.

  2. Locate Your Own Opinion: Think about what you know or have experienced about the issue. What do you think is true or false? Your personal take will guide your position.

  3. Research the Issue: When you have a position, research the topic comprehensively. Locate reliable sources, research, and statistics to back up your claim or refute it. You will either find applied research supporting your position or be in a better position to make a well-informed change.

  4. Anticipate Your Readers: Think about who will read your essay and whether you need to qualify your point to anticipate their responses.

  5. Be open-minded. Take a stand, but be willing to think again as you learn more. A thoughtful, flexible stand is more persuasive than a fixed one.

  6. Check the Scope: Make sure that your stand is both specific and clear. With a clear stand, you can develop a coherent argument and resist the temptation to make broad or clichéd claims.

The Basic Parts of an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay typically follows a clear structure to present a well-supported argument. Understanding the basic parts will help you craft a persuasive and organized essay. Here are its key parts:


Introduction: The introduction prepares readers for your essay. It starts with your topic, then gives background to make readers understand the issue. You close the introduction with your thesis statement stating your position on the topic. Your thesis then points the way to the rest of your essay-your main argument.

The Body Paragraphs:

The body of an essay is where you prove your point. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that states a point that supports your thesis. Follow it with evidence, such as facts, statistics, or quotations from authoritative sources, and explain how that evidence supports your point.


A strong argumentative essay also considers arguments against your position. To be most effective, acknowledge those arguments, then explain why your position is better. When you respond to alternative views, you show that you’ve thought through other options, which gives your argument more force.


The conclusion wraps up your argument. It summarizes the main points of your essay, reinforces your thesis, and restates why your viewpoint is valid. Rather than introducing new information, the conclusion ties everything together and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

The End

Now that you have at your disposal hundreds of argumentative essay topics, your task is to choose one that captures your interest, affords you opportunity for careful thought, and matters to your readers. With the right topic, you can write a strong argumentative essay. I hope that this guide has launched you on that process. Good luck with your next writing project.